the only museum of cooperage in the country
Vologda is an extremely forested area and almost 2/3 of its area is forested. That is, the conditions for the manufacture of a variety of wooden products are very, very favorable. The available designs and forms of cooperage (cooperage) utensils due to their simplicity, rationality and practicality turned out to be surprisingly resilient and easily reproducible. At the same time the famous Vologda butter that used to be transported only in kegs is produced in the Vologda region. Such kegs were also produced only here - at the plywood factory of stamped kegs.
Cask of Diogenes
Libich's Cask
Chkalov Cask
Cask of Danaids
The Cask of Gunpowder
The barrel of oil...
The barrel is everywhere...
In the museum you can learn about (about):
- The benefits of wood and its properties (advantages and disadvantages) in the manufacture and further use of cooperage.
- Interesting facts and events related to the barrel (Nikonov's secret vessel, Diogenes, Russian bingo, barrel of oil, barrel of gunpowder, etc.).
- Antique (domometric) measures of volume and peculiarities of trade in merchant Russia.
- Types of cooperage and its variety.
- Cooperage tools and necessary devices.
- Professions associated with the use of barrels and cooperage.
- History of Russian barrel (M.I.R. Bochka) and its significance in today's world.
- Famous people whose names are directly related to cooperage.
- Variants of painting of the peoples of the Russian North and other regions: types, geography, features on the example of barrels.
- Local territorial brands associated with the barrel: Vologda butter, Dairy Academy named after N. Vereshchagin. Vereshchagin N.V., Kaduysky veneer and container plant, etc.
- Bondarnaya heraldry on coats of arms of Russian and foreign cities.
- and much, much more..
Presentations (links, videos, etc.)
Exhibition Fairground