Department of International and Inter-regional relations of the Office of the Mayor City of Togliatti
The city district of Togliatti is located in a unique region of Russia, about 1,000 kilometers southeast of the nation's capital, Moscow. It is the second largest and most important city in the Samara Region. It is surrounded by the Zhigulevsky Mountains and the Volga plains, lakes and the great Russian river Volga. Nearby are the National Park "Samarskaya Luka" and Zhigulevsky Reserve. In the 17th-18th centuries Zhigulye were the site of popular uprisings led by Stepan Razin and Yemelyan Pugachev. The height of Zhiguly mountains reaches 375 meters and their width is 5-7 km. In terms of the diversity of relief and rocks, the peculiarity of flora and fauna, the Zhiguli can be compared with the protected areas of the Crimea and the Caucasus. Here are great opportunities for active tourism and cognitive leisure.History of Togliatti testifies to its constant development, striving to solve the most difficult and extraordinary problems, improving the system of urban management. Created as the first-born of the most daring projects of its time, Togliatti today remains a young, dynamically developing, attractive for investment and comfortable city for living and working.
Exhibition Fairground
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