  • Stavropol Territory. Ministry of Tourism and Health Resorts
Stand : F502

Ministry of Tourism and Health resorts Stavropol Territory (hereinafter - the Ministry of Tourism of the region) is a body of executive power of the Stavropol Territory, carrying out within its competence, state management and normative legal regulation in the field of tourism activities, functioning and development of resorts, the implementation of measures aimed at development of specially protected ecological and health resort region of the Russian Federation - the Caucasian Mineral Waters.

The main objectives of the Ministry of Tourism of the region are:

1) implementation on the territory of the Stavropol Territory of state management and normative-legal regulation in the established sphere of activity;

2) defining priority areas of tourism development in the Stavropol Territory;

3) creation of conditions for investment attractiveness of resorts, ensuring the development and competitiveness of health resort and tourist complexes of the Stavropol Territory;

4) conducting an experiment on the development of resort infrastructure in order to preserve, restore and develop resorts, the formation of a unified tourist space, creating favorable conditions for the sustainable development of tourism in the Stavropol Territory.

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Россия, Ессентуки

Stavropol Territory. Caucasian Mineral Waters.

Stavropol Territory is one of the largest resort and tourist regions of Russia. The pride of Stavropol Region is the Caucasian Mineral Waters resort region, founded in 1803 by decree of Emperor Alexander I. Healing natural resources of the region were discovered more than two centuries ago, and since then they are the basis of the Russian health resort business.

According to the Decree of the President of Russian Federation in 1992 in order to preserve the natural features of the world-known area with unique medical and health improving factors, historical-architectural and cultural background - the region of the Caucasian Mineral Waters was given the status of "Specially Protected Eco-Resort Region of Russian Federation".

Today the Specially Protected Ecological and Resort Region of the Russian Federation - the Caucasian Mineral Waters - is known throughout the world. Resort towns of Kislovodsk, Essentuki, Pyatigorsk and Zheleznovodsk are the hallmark of the Stavropol region and annually opens its doors to a million tourists from all regions of Russia and foreign countries. For 220 years the Caucasian Mineral Waters has been a resort of national importance. During this period of time a colossal experience of health improvement and treatment was accumulated using the most valuable natural resources - mineral water, silt mud, climate and wonderful landscapes.

Caucasian Mineral Waters - it is a unique place, on the small area of which there are over 100 mineral springs distinguished by their chemical and gas composition. Among them the famous Smirnovski and Slavyanski springs, Yessentuki 4 and 17 mineral waters, Kislovodski narzans, Nagutski waters, Pyatigorski sulphide and radon waters and others.

An important balneological significance is played by Lake Tambukan, where the therapeutic mud with antiseptic properties is extracted.

The Caucasian Mineral Waters region is rich in unique natural landscapes. Central to them are the resort parks and "Kislovodskiy" National Park, which are the natural factor of recovery and the main attraction of the resorts.

There are 17 lacustrine mountains in the central part of the region. Their names, such as Beshtau, Mashuk, Bull, Camel, Razvalka (Sleeping Lion) and others, are very poetic and steeped in legends

Sanatorium-resort institutions of Stavropol Krai use their own laboratory base equipped with modern treatment and diagnostic equipment, which allows you to undergo a complete functional examination. And the level of accommodation, meets international standards.

But the pearl of the Caucasus, as the Caucasian Mineral Waters is often called, is famous not only for its balneological and climatic resorts and medical and health tourism, but also for its developed network of cultural, educational, event, sports and business tourism. Tourists are attracted here by rich cultural traditions associated with the names of great artists - Pushkin, Lermontov, Tolstoy, Chaliapin, Safonov, Yaroshenko, Solzhenitsyn and many others.

Contact Persons

Andrey Klimenko
Andrey Klimenko
Head of Department for Promotion of Tourism Resources of the Ministry of Tourism
Ludmila Kravtsova
Ludmila Kravtsova
Deputy Head of the Dept for Promotion of Tourism Resources of the Ministry of Tourism of the Territory

Exhibition Fairground

Россия, Ессентуки

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