  • Federal State Budgetary Institution SKFNKTs FMBA of Russia
Stand : F502
Russia, Southern region

The main objective of the Federal State Budgetary Institution of the Russian Federation (FGBU) is to improve the health of adults and children through the provision of quality spa and rehabilitation medical care, as well as evidence-based approaches to patient treatment. Thanks to an extensive network of branches the Center provides treatment in a variety of profiles and directions. The combination of the healing effects of nature, individually selected procedures, medicines and a special diet allows us to take a comprehensive approach to the recovery of vacationers.

The Center includes:

- Medical Center "Yunost" Essentuki;

- Sanatorium named after SM. Kirov sanatorium in Pyatigorsk;

- N.K. Krupskaya Children's Sanatorium in Zheleznovodsk;

- Sanatorium "Salute" Zheleznovodsk;

- Sanatorium "Smena" Kislovodsk;

- Sanatorium "Narat" Teberda;

- Pyatigorsk Clinic;

- Yunost Medical Center Clinical Center, Yessentuki;

- Zheleznovodsk Clinic;

- Kislovodsk Clinic.

Views count
2 759
Ставропольский край, г. Ессентуки, улица Советская, д.24

Contact Persons

Anna Pryazhentseva
Anna Pryazhentseva
deputy head of the marketing department

Exhibition Fairground

Ставропольский край, г. Ессентуки, улица Советская, д.24

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