Tourist Information Center of the Republic of Karelia, State Budgetary Institution
A group for those who love to travel in Karelia or want to start, but do not know where.
The Republic of Karelia has excellent opportunities for developing various kinds of tourism, hunting and fishing, recreation in cottages and tourist centers, treatment in sanatoriums in summer and winter season, outdoor activities, rafting and canoeing, meeting the interests of travelers and lovers of beauty: there are over four thousand cultural, historical and natural monuments and objects on the state register.
Karelia is one of the most famous Russian territories in international tourism because of unique architectural, cultural and historical sites on Kizhi Islands (Kizhi Pogost ensemble is included in UNESCO World Heritage List), Valaam and on Solovetsky Islands which are near the administrative border of Karelia.
They are the national heritage of Russia. The historical and cultural uniqueness of Karelia, which distinguishes it from other territories of Russia, is also determined by the cultural heritage of four indigenous peoples, historically living in this region - Karelians, Finns, Vepsians, Russians, who have created a unique and distinctive culture over ten centuries of living together.
Exhibition Fairground
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