First Excursion Bureau, Tour Operator Ltd
We are an official tour operator Number in the register of tour operators RTO 017688.
We are always ready to find an individual approach to each tourist. Even in a combined group!
Certified operator in child tourism
We are the only tour operator in Tomsk with Voluntary Certification in the field of child tourism. Number in the register MST/TO-01/70/20
We are working since 2013
We work in full accordance with Russian law and are ready to provide you with all necessary documents and conclude contracts.
Financial security: contract of civil liability insurance of tour operators.№ 7458/19-49 of 18/07/2019, № 7143/20-49 of 24/08/2020. from 15/10/2019 to 14/10/2021 AO "Insurance Company Hyde. 191119,Saint Petersburg, Central district, 108A Ligovsky pr.
Amount of financial security: 500000 rubles.
Exhibition Fairground
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