
16 June 2023

The conference will take place in Estonian National Museum, address Muuseumi tee 2, Tartu. Google maps link HERE

At 8:35AM, a bus from Vanemuise theatre lower parking lot will start driving to the event.

The bus will have the „11th Shallow Lakes Conference“ logo by the front window.

HERE is the Google maps link to the location of the bus parking spot.

15 minutes after the official end of the conference day, a bus will take participants back to the center of Tartu. 

It is also possible to come to the event by foot, Estonian National Museum is approximately 2km from the Center. Various ohter transportation methods can be found here:


Jakob Hurt Hall

09:00 - 10:00
Keynote speech
Duration: 60 min
Professor and Director NIEHS/NSF Great Lakes Center for Fresh Waters and Human Health Bowling Green State University, USA

“Cyanobacterial harmful algal blooms in shallow systems: lessons from Lake Erie and hypereutrophic systems”

10:00 - 10:15
Coffee break
Duration: 15 min
10:15 - 10:55
Session: Eutrophication and harmful cyanobacterial blooms
Duration: 40 min
Kersti Kangro

10:15-10:35 Remote sensing detection of cyanobacterial bloom parameters in a shallow eutrophic lake

Helen Agasild

10:35-10:55 Trophic transfer of potentially toxic cyanobacteria to lake food web: occurrence of potentially toxic Microcystis in zooplankton and fish gut contents in eutrophic Lake Peipsi

10:15 - 11:35
Session: Various aspects of ecosystems in shallow lakes
Duration: 80 min

Aliise Moora Auditorium

Matīss Žagars

10:15-10:35 Food web structure of pristine bog lakes in Teici Nature reserve, Latvia

Helen Tammert

10:35-10:55 Native lake bacteria vs. tourists from rivers - who stay in lake and who continue travelling towards the Baltic Sea?

Alice Fabbretto

10:55-11:15 Multisource data integration for water quality mapping in three shallow lakes

Maija Fonteina Kazeka

11:15-11:35 Mapping ecosystem services as part of water quality assessment of the lake's ecosystem

10:55 - 11:55
Session: Various aspects of ecosystems in shallow lakes
Duration: 60 min
Torben Linding Lauridsen

10:55-11:15 Are waterbirds important for the eutrophication of shallow lakes?

Eti Ester Levi

11:15-11:35 Using palaeolimnology to track long and short-term drivers of eutrophication: revenge of the ducks!

Kerstin Bouma

11:35-11:55 The effect of benthivorous fish on food availability for wetland birds in a eutrophic wetland

12:00 - 13:00
Duration: 60 min
We welcome you back
13:00 - 15:00
Closing the conference
Duration: 120 min
15:00 - 15:15
Coffee break
Duration: 15 min

Contacts of organizer
