  • Cronwell Hospitality Group/RHA Russian Hotel Association

Cronwell Hospitality Group is a group of companies that includes a hotel chain, development and consulting business, as well as a training center. It has been on the hospitality market since 1995.

The company is in the top 10 of Russian hotel management companies.

During the 27 years of work more than 50 development and consulting projects in tourism and hospitality in 12 regions of Russia have been implemented. Currently we operate hotel complexes in 4 regions and implement several projects in tourist and recreational clusters.

Our goal is the development of the hospitality market as a whole. And that is why in 2020 we started to create the Cronwell Ecosystem. Cronwell Ecosystem is a constantly developing system of comprehensive support of the hospitality industry, united by common rules, standards, and technological processes. The ecosystem includes both the group's own companies and partner companies in order to develop together the hospitality industry in Russia and around the world.

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2 827
Большая Конюшенная ул. 27, 3 этаж БЦ "Медведь, Санкт-Петербург, Россия, 191186

How are they useful?

If you are just thinking about building a hotel, we can support you in your endeavor or, conversely, recommend that you refrain from buying or building. In any case, we will try to help you save and increase your money.

Contact Persons

Alexei Musakin
Alexei Musakin
General Director of Cronwell Hospitality Group
Marina Borisovskaya
Marina Borisovskaya
Head of Moscow representative office of Cronwell Group

Exhibition Fairground

Большая Конюшенная ул. 27, 3 этаж БЦ "Медведь, Санкт-Петербург, Россия, 191186

Activity type

Type of tourism
