
Przedstawiamy ekspertów ds. zarządzania wydarzeniami OnlineExpo

Nasi pełni pasji profesjonaliści tworzą symfonię wiedzy specjalistycznej, organizując płynne rozwiązania eventowe.
Jesteśmy znani z naszych wizjonerskich wskazówek i kompleksowej platformy eventowej typu "wszystko w jednym".
Poznaj nasz pełen pasji zespół i dołącz do OnlineExpo jako zaufany partner
w zakresie planowania i zarządzania wyjątkowymi wydarzeniami.
(z siedzibą w Estonii, UE)


Margus Tamm

Margus Tamm


Margus is the company's creator, CEO and driving force - a skilled man for a thousand jobs. It is said that he who loves his job is happy. Work is for Margus both a hobby, a self-fulfilment and a lifestyle all rolled into one.

Guy Hood

Guy Hood

Head of Product

Being a British born IT veteran, Guy has over 30 years of experience ranging from silicon valley architect to international product & business development executive. Creating team synergy & delivering innovation is what he loves to do.

Ivan Gretsky

Ivan Gretsky


OnlineExpo is a complex IT project that requires complete immersion and a lot of hard work. For Ivan each successfully completed task brings joy and moral satisfaction.

Anastasiya Stroganova

Anastasiya Stroganova


OnlineExpo is an international team of experts and our specialists are located all over the world. We're happy to manage our affiliates, bring them together and introduce our product to people all over the world.

Mikhail Alasheev

Mikhail Alasheev


With the internet giving us huge opportunities, millions of people are able to see the results of our work online. However, it is also a huge responsibility with the results of our work visible to everyone around the world and in many different languages.

Julia Tjurina

Julia Tjurina


Julia likes numbers, especially big numbers on the activa side. Good number magic is the foundation of any business, especially in a start-up. She keeps OnlineExpo's numbers nice and tidy.

Sprzedaż i wsparcie

Vadim Firsa

Vadim Firsa

Project manager

My active lifestyle, analytical mind and vivid imagination help me do my work quickly, accurately and creatively.

Akylai Ergeshbaeva

Akylai Ergeshbaeva

Project manager

New projects open up new perspectives and boundaries. In turn this helps build a successful personality for our team.

Mari-Liis Aron

Mari-Liis Aron

Client Supporting Officer

Mari-Liis has been part of the OnlineExpo team from the very beginning and has seen the company grow leaps and bounds. She is very proud of what OnlineExpo has become and continues to work hard at helping our customers use the platform effectively.

Zaufali nam najlepsi profesjonaliści z branży eventowej

Wiodące agencje eventowe, organizatorzy oraz firmy marketingowe i komunikacyjne zaufały OnlineExpo,
aby bez wysiłku podnieść rangę swoich wydarzeń, oszczędzając czas, pieniądze i frustrację