
EXCURSION 1: The Soomaa National Park and Kuresoo bog

We are offering you an organised bus trip to the “Land of Bogs” – Soomaa!

Soomaa National Park has been established for the protection of large bogs, flooded meadows, forests and heritage culture. The Estonian name “Soomaa” (Land of Bogs) refers to the fact that bogs and swamp areas make up 80 per cent of its territory. The National Park extends on a 390 sq km area, which is largely untouched by human activity. This is one of the best places in Estonia to experience untouched and primeval nature.

In our excursion we will first visit the Centre of Soomaa National Park ( Soomaa Visitor Centre is located at Kõrtsi-Tõramaa, at the centre of Soomaa National Park, surrounded by mires and bogs, meandering rivers, whispering floodplain woods and blossoming wooded meadows. In the Visitor Centre we can get information about the National Park’s nature, animals and birds. Also, a short overview of the Estonian nature conservation is given.

From the Visitor Centre we head to the Ingatsi study trail (4.3 km) ( The trail goes through marsh forest, followed by a rise along the high bog ridge to the Kuresoo bog – one of the biggest bogs in Estonia. There is an observation tower on the bog ridge. Next, the boardwalk meanders between bog pools. On the trail there are several recreation sites that offer scenic views of the Kuresoo bog where we can have our packed lunch.

After completing the trail, the bus takes the happy explorers back to Tartu.

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