
Väärtustame kõrgelt noorte õpihimu ja arengut. Ehitusvaldkonna tudengiüritused on noore värske teadmise ja pikaaegse kogemuse suurepäraseks kohtumispaigaks.

Meie Merko

Oleme professionaalsed, uuendusmeelsed ja loomingulised. Peame kinni oma lubadustest ja vastutame oma tegude eest. Meie põhitegevus on ehituse peatöövõtt ja projektijuhtimine. Oleme üld-, insener- ja teedeehituse ekspert; rajame elektri- ja välisvõrke; teeme betooni- ja mäetöid; arendame kinnisvara.

Loome terviklikke elukeskkondi ja kvaliteetseid hooneid, kus inimestel on hea elada.

Väärtustame oma inimesi

Oleme umbes 300 indiviidist koosnev ühtne meeskond. Ühise meeskonnana täidame eesmärke ja jagame ühiselt saavutatud tulemusi. Oleme õppiv ja arenev organisatsioon. Hindame kõrgelt professionaalsust ja igakülgset arengut. Väärtustame tervislikku eluviisi ning töö- ja eraelu tasakaalu.

Tee meie tööga lähemat tutvust

Meil on laialdaste kogemusega juhendajad, praktika põnevatel objektidel ja eri valdkondades. Tule Merkosse kogema inseneritöö mitmekesist argipäeva. Ehitame koos vundamendi Sinu karjäärile.

Meie viimase aja põnevaimad tegemised

  • Tallinki uue büroo ehitus tõi meile aasta ehitaja tiitli.
  • Maakri tornmaja püstitamisel kasutati „elevandi“ abi.
  • T1 Mall of Tallinna ehitusel olid kasutuses 300 käärtõstukit ja platsil 1000 töölist.
  • Kas trammiga saab Euroopasse? Jah, saab. Sellest ajast kui pikendasime trammiliini lennujaamani.
  • Meie arendus Uus-Veerenni on Tallinna kesklinna suurim terviklik elamuarenduse ala.

Vaata ka videot Uus-Veerenni meeskonnast siit!

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25 984


Conference Day 14th Oct

BuildIT 2020 is happening for the 7th time and is a yearly international event which involves conference and competition days.

The topic for conference day is “Future of the city'' focusing on topics like transportation, construction and sustainability of the environment.

Lecturers are successful entrepreneurs, scientists, engineers and public figures sharing their experience, knowledge and innovative future...

Competition Day 15th Oct

Competitions will be held for people to test their knowledge and participate in various workshops and competitions.

The competitions are open for everyone! Each competition requires different skills and a whole new mindset. There are no age restrictions.

Registration for participation in the competitions is MANDATORY! The rules and registration will be open soon. For more information follow our Facebook page


The sixth BuildIT conference will be held on the 13th March. This years main topic of the conference is Renewable Energy Infrastructure. We will be gathering experts from both Estonia and abroad to share their knowledge with us.

TalTech assembrly hall

The Conference will take place in TalTech Assembly Hall (U01- 202).




The fifth BuildIT conference will be held on the 18th of April. This will feature Modular Buildings And Automated Construction as the main topic. We will be gathering experts from both Estonia and abroad to share their knowledge with us. The conference will end with a debate where the experts will discuss topic related questions more thoroughly.


Taking place on the 19th of April, the main topic of the conference this year was Deconstruction and Renovation. This involves talked about smart deconstruction and the recycling of the resulting waste. The topic will also cover Estonia’s success in the field of renovation as representatives from prominent Estonian companies talked about recent deconstruction and renovation sites. The conference ended with a debate...


Our biggest asset is our backers. Without them BuildIT 2020 could not happen and you wouldn't be able to participate. We would like to thank everyone who is participating or helping in any other way. Thank you - our biggest supporter - that you're with us again this year. Some of our backers have interesting stories and offerings so go check them out.
