

Kite Flight 2025 "How do we achieve success in a changing world?"

09:30 - 10:00
Arrival, morning coffee
Duration: 30 min
10:00 - 10:35
Opening of the conference, opening speeches
Duration: 35 min
CEO of Ragn-Sells, Chair of the Council of the Estonian Employers' Confederation, Leader of the Year 2018
10:35 - 11:05
Keynote speech. We need to talk about competitiveness
Duration: 30 min

The last decade has been challenging for the European economy, with a growing gap with America and declining attractiveness to investors. The presentation by the president of BusinessEurope, representing millions of European employers, will reveal what is undermining Europe’s competitiveness and what could wake it up.

President of BusinessEurope, the umbrella organization for European employers.
11:05 - 11:55
Discussion: What lies ahead?
Duration: 50 min

Recent years have been defined by crises, the war in Europe, and growing uncertainty, with the coming years set to bring further changes, including a new administration in the USA and China’s growing influence in the East. The discussion will explore the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead for Estonian entrepreneurs and leaders, and how leading local entrepreneurs are preparing for this evolving landscape.

Exporter of the Year, Founder and CEO of Nortal
CEO of LHV Group
Euroopa Komisjoni Eesti esinduse asejuht esinduse juhi ülesannetes
Additional speakers to be announced
11:55 - 12:35
Duration: 40 min
12:35 - 13:05
Keynote speech. How does Estonia outshine others in international competition?
Duration: 30 min

The owner of Estonian Cell, the largest electricity consumer in Estonia, explains what makes the Estonian economic environment stand out in international competition compared to other countries and identifies the key shortcomings and opportunities for improvement.

Owner of Estonian Cell, CEO of Heinzel Group
13:05 - 13:35
Duration: 30 min
Speaker to be announced
13:35 - 14:20
Discussion: Innovation and Ambition – How to Break Out from Estonia to the Global Stage. Boldly.
Duration: 45 min

Estonia is no longer a low-cost production hub. The discussion will explore the factors driving entrepreneurs to embrace innovation for growth and value-added development, and how to leverage and commercialise cutting-edge scientific advancements in business.

Founder and CEO of DefSecIntel Solutions
Head of the Applied Research Program at Enterprise and Innovation Foundation (Ettevõtluse ja Innovatsiooni SA)
President of the Estonian Academy of Sciences
Innovation expert and partner at Nordic Science Investments
14:20 - 14:45
Duration: 25 min
14:45 - 15:30
Panel discussion: How does confidence affect the economy?
Duration: 45 min

Confidence among Estonian people and entrepreneurs is notably lower compared to the neighbouring region. The discussion will explore how trust in the state and the outlook for the future impact the economy, and propose ways to boost this confidence.

Deputy Governor of Eesti Pank (Bank of Estonia)
Kantar Emor Business Unit Director
Professor of Participatory Culture at Tallinn University
15:30 - 16:15
Panel discussion: What is missing from the competitiveness of the Estonian economy?
Duration: 45 min

The third consecutive year of economic decline indicates that maintaining current practices is insufficient to reverse the downward trend. Waiting for change is not a viable option. What decisions must the state and businesses make to drive change in the economy?

Estonian Minister of Economic Affairs and Industry
Chairman of the Management Board of Infortar, Vice-Chair of the Council of the Estonian Employers' Confederation
Chairman of the Management Board of OÜ NG Investeeringud, Vice-Chair of the Council of the Estonian Employers' Confederation
16:15 - 16:20
Summary of the day
Duration: 5 min
CEO of the Estonian Employers' Confederation
16:20 - 17:20
Duration: 60 min

Konverentsi juhivad Liisu Lass ja Johannes Tralla.

Contacts of organizer

Tuulelohe lend 2025

The conference is organised by the ESTONIAN EMPLOYERS´ ASSOCIATION

Kiriku 6, 10130 Tallinn, Eesti
Registration code: 80036271
VAT number: EE100533891
Swedbank: IBAN EE59 2200 0011 2023 3895

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