
Kai Realo
CEO of Ragn-Sells, Chair of the Council of the Estonian Employers' Confederation, Leader of the Year 2018

Jüri Käo
Chairman of the Management Board of OÜ NG Investeeringud, Vice-Chair of the Council of the Estonian Employers' Confederation

Mart Toots
Head of the Applied Research Program at Enterprise and Innovation Foundation (Ettevõtluse ja Innovatsiooni SA)

Ain Hanschmidt
Chairman of the Management Board of Infortar, Vice-Chair of the Council of the Estonian Employers' Confederation
Konverentsi moderaatorid

Liisu Lass
Television journalist at Estonian Public Broadcasting (ERR), Editor-in-Chief of "Aktuaalne kaamera"
Contacts of organizer
The conference is organised by the ESTONIAN EMPLOYERS´ ASSOCIATION
Kiriku 6, 10130 Tallinn, Eesti
Registration code: 80036271
VAT number: EE100533891
Swedbank: IBAN EE59 2200 0011 2023 3895