Kite Flight 2025
We are pleased to announce that Estonia’s most influential economic conference, "Kite Flight," organized by the Estonian Employers' Confederation, will take place on March 5, 2025, at Noblessner Foundry.
Conference Theme: How Do We Achieve Success in a Changing World?
Estonia is facing a prolonged economic downturn, with declining business and consumer confidence and weakened competitiveness in export markets. This conference will explore solutions to reignite economic growth, strengthen Estonia’s global competitiveness, and enhance its attractiveness to foreign investors.
Key Discussion Topics:
- How long will Estonia’s economic downturn last, what are the consequences, and how can we return to growth?
- Estonia is no longer a low-cost production country—what’s the next stage of development, and how do we get there?
- How can we turn Estonia’s world-class scientific research into successful business ventures?
- How can we solve the workforce shortage crisis?
- What role does government economic policy play in fostering a competitive business environment?
- How do we rebuild trust and confidence in the economy?
- What are Estonia’s key strengths and weaknesses in the global economic landscape?
- What is the outlook for Estonia’s key export markets?
The Kite Flight conference will feature leading entrepreneurs and top executives, including:
- Alar Karis, President of the Republic of Estonia
- Sebastian Heinzel, Owner of Estonian Cell, Estonia’s largest energy consumer
- Erkki Keldo, Minister of Economic Affairs and Industry
- Kai Realo, CEO of Ragn-Sells, Chair of the Council of the Estonian Employers' Confederation
- Ain Hanschmidt, Chairman of the Management Board of Infortar, Vice-Chair of the Council of the Estonian Employers' Confederation
- Aivar Voog, Research Expert at Kantar Emor
- Jaanus Tamm, Founder and CEO of DefSecIntel Solutions
- Priit Alamäe, Founder and CEO of Nortal
- Mart Saarma, President of the Estonian Academy of Sciences
- Mart Toots, Head of the Applied Research Program at Enterprise and Innovation Foundation
- Mart Maasik, Partner at Nordic Science Investments
- Jüri Käo, Member of the Management Board of OÜ NG Investeeringud, Vice-Chair of the Estonian Employers' Confederation
- Ülo Kaasik, Deputy Governor of Eesti Pank (Bank of Estonia)
- Madis Toomsalu, Chairman of the Management Board of AS LHV Group
- Fredrik Persson, President of BusinessEurope, the umbrella organization for European employers
- Katrin Tiidenberg, Professor of Participatory Culture at Tallinn University
…and many more influential business leaders and executives.
Conference Hosts
The event will be hosted by Liisu Lass and Johannes Tralla.
Tuulelohe Lend 2024 AFTERMOVIE
Tuulelohe Lend 2024 AFTERMOVIE
Toetajate Expo
Estonian Business and Innovation Agency | Co-Organiser
Toetame Sinu ambitsioonikat ettevõtmist äri arendamisel, tootearenduse ja innovatsiooni edendamisel ning sobivatele välisturgudele laienemisel.
Swedbank AS
Swedbankis me austame erinevusi ja väärtustame mitmekesisust, soodustame sisemist liikumist ja pakume majasiseseid arenguvõimalusi, töötame rahvusvahelises keskkonnas, oleme paindlikud tööaja, töökoha ja töökoormuse osas. Lisaks toetame töö ja eraelu tasakaalu võimaldades lisapuhkust, majasiseseid sportimisvõimalusi, spordikompensatsiooni jne. Töötame välja lahendusi, mida kasutavad miljonid kliendid...
Contacts of organizer
The conference is organised by the ESTONIAN EMPLOYERS´ ASSOCIATION
Kiriku 6, 10130 Tallinn, Eesti
Registration code: 80036271
VAT number: EE100533891
Swedbank: IBAN EE59 2200 0011 2023 3895