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Interesting facts about Estonia

  • Estonians love to sing, so it is no wonder that the Estonian Song and Dance Celebration has become Estonia's trademark and the reason why Estonians are called the "singing nation". Due to the uniqueness of this mesmerising event, it has even been inscribed on the UNESCO List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.
  • Estonia has the smallest population among EU member states - 1.3 million residents
  • For residents of Tallinn, public transport is completely free.
  • Estonia was the first country in the world to introduce online voting, that happened back in 2005. Also, a group of Estonians played a crucial role in the invention of Skype. Today 44% of Skype employees work in Tallinn and Tartu.
  • St. Olav's Church, built in the old city of Tallinn, was the tallest known structure in the world in the 16th century. Its height was 159 meters; today it is 123.7 meters, and, according to the city government regulation, the neighboring buildings should not exceed the height of the old church. And the entire Old Town of Tallinn is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
  • The exact name of the capital of Estonia, the city of Tallinn, is not known with certainty even to its original inhabitants. The most common variants: "Danish City", "Winter City" or "Manor City". But there is no single accurate version, just as there is no final decision in the spelling of the city name in Russian, with one or two "n".
  • The first Christmas tree was brought to Tallinn in 1441 by the Brotherhood of Blackheads, a Livonian merchant association. It was the first Christmas tree installed in a town square in Europe, although the city of Riga disagrees, where a similar tradition was started by the Brotherhood of Blackheads around the same time.
  • The Estonian national epic is called the KalevipoegThese are stories about a giant who throws stones and talks to hedgehogs.)
  • Many Estonians haven't picked up cash for months - here you can pay comfortably everywhere by card.
  • The Estonian flag is blue-black-and-white. Individually all three colors can be found on the flags of other countries but in exactly the same composition (but in a different order) only on one flag - the flag of Botswana.


Contacts of organizer

Viru väljak 2, 10111 Tallinn, Эстония
Soovitame Soovitame