The goal of the Citizens' Assembly is to make high-quality and informed decisions. To ensure this, the program of the Citizens' Assembly for a Green Capital follows the internationally established structure and principles.
During the first weekend, participants receive diverse and balanced knowledge from experts and representatives of interest groups on the topics related to the Citizens' Assembly. This is intended to create a sense of confidence and courage for formulating proposals. During the second weekend, group discussions take place. The aim is to create an environment conducive to refining and molding important suggestions. On the final day of the Citizens' Assembly, the proposals that have passed the voting process are presented to the city government.
Knowledge Acquisition Day
11:00 - 17:00
Selected residents of Tallinn gather to acquire up-to-date knowledge on climate change, the role of nature in adaptation, the concept of green infrastructure, the nature of modern urban spaces, and activities already planned in Tallinn, all provided by experts and representatives of interest groups. This knowledge aims to instill confidence and courage in formulating proposals.
10:30-11:00 Arrival, morning coffee, and snacks
11:00-11:15 Greetings from the City of Tallinn and the organizing team
11:15-12:00 Diving into the topic of the public consultation
12:00-12:40 Presentation by Ivo Krustok on "Climate Change and the Need for Adaptation" and discussion.
Ivo Krustok (PhD) is a senior expert at the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) Tallinn Center. He has previously served as a green transition advisor to the Government Office of Estonia and a science advisor at the Ministry of the Environment.
12:40-12:50 Stretch break
12:50-13:30 Presentation by Tuul Sepp on "The Role of Nature in Urban Space" and discussion.
Tuul Sepp (PhD) is an associate professor of animal ecology at the University of Tartu's Institute of Ecology and Earth Sciences and leads the Tartu Green Circle project.
13:30-14:30 Lunch
14:30-15:10 Presentation by Hans Orru on "The Impact of Climate Change on Human Health and Well-being" and discussion.
Hans Orru (PhD) is a professor of environmental health at the University of Tartu's Institute of Family Medicine and Public Health.
15:10-15:25 Break
15:25-16:35 Presentation by Kristi Grišakov on "Spatial Choices in Urbanized Society" and discussion.
Kristi Grišakov is an expert in strategic spatial planning and the head of the policy and analysis department at the Ministry of Rural Affairs. She has previously worked as a lecturer and program manager in landscape architecture at the Tallinn University of Technology.
16:35-17:00 Summary of the day and preparation for the next meeting
Listening to the Interest Groups Day
11:00 - 16:00
Participants listen to representatives of different interest groups* presenting their viewpoints along with justifications, each having equal time for their presentation. This ensures that participants not only gain the necessary knowledge on the topic but also get an overview of various interests.
10:30-11:00 Arrival, morning coffee, and snacks
11:00-11:15 Introduction to the day. Who are the different stakeholders, and why are we listening to them?
11:15-12:35 Insights from urban planners:
- Tarmo Trei, Estonian Infrastructure Association (ESTEL) "#THEROADYOUWANT"
- Merle Karro-Kalberg, Estonian Landscape Architects Association "City as a Forest"
- Kadri Grišakov, Estonian Landscape Builders Association "Background Forces or What You Don't See"
12:35-13:30 Lunch
13:30-14:30 Perspectives from the interests of urban space users:
- Tõnis Savi, NGO Living Streets "How to Create Good (Urban) Space?"
- Merle Kuris, Baltic Environmental Forum (as a representative of the Estonian Environmental Organizations' Network) "An Environment- and People-Friendly City"
14:30-14:45 Stretch break
14:45-15:35 Perspectives from the interests of urban space users:
- Kaire Sõmer and Helina Tilk, Representatives from Tallinn's neighborhood associations Kassisaba Association and Nõmme Tee Association "Neighborhood Associations' View"
- Ott Oja, Mental Health Coalition "Mobility is Mental Health"
15:35-16:00 Summary of the day and preparation for the next meeting
* Interest groups are organizations, institutions, or informal groups whose activities are related to the Citizens' Assembly topic or are directly affected by the questions raised during the Citizens' Assembly. The organizing team compiles an initial list of interest groups, which is supplemented through a "snowball method" among experts, researchers, and the interest groups themselves. The final list, describing interest groups in a balanced manner, is confirmed by the organizing team, considering the international requirements for citizen assemblies.
Discussion Day
11:00 - 16:00
Group discussions take place to deliberate on the information presented by experts and interest groups. Existing proposals and city action plans are examined, and the essential values and objectives for the Citizens' Assembly are determined, guiding the formulation of proposals. Each group is helped by a table facilitator.
The Tallinn city government presents its goals, activities, main dilemmas, and innovations.
10:30-11:00 Arrival, morning coffee, and snacks
11:00-11:15 Welcome, recap of what has been done so far, and introduction to proposal development
11:15-12:00 What did I notice on my way home? Recording observations in group discussions
12:00-13:00 How the city interacts with nature? The presentation will be given by Olari Kärmas and Kristiina Kupper from the Tallinn Strategic Management Office, Spatial Planning and Design Department and from the Urban Environment and Public Work Department.
13:00-14:00 Lunch and outdoor walk
14:00-15:00 Group discussions in the same groups
15:00-15:40 World Café style discussions
15:40-16:00 Summary of the day and preparation for the next meeting. In the evening, experts of the assembly gather to provide feedback to initial proposals in order to help further develop them.
Proposal Day
11:00 - 16:00
Under the guidance of table facilitators, the groups formulate initial common proposals of the Citizens' Assembly.
10:30-11:00 Arrival, morning coffee, and snacks
11:00-11:10 Welcome and introduction to the day
11:10-11:50 What is most important to us? In group discussions, we determine the values and principles that should guide the collective proposals of the public consultation. What principles and interests should underlie the integration of green areas in the city?
11:50-13:00 Refinement of initial proposals in group discussions
13:00-14:00 Lunch
14:00-15:45 Finalization of proposals
15:45-16:00 Summary of the day and preparation for the next meeting
Decision Day
10:30 - 16:00
Citizens' Assembly participants gather to analyze proposals with a fresh perspective, consider feedback from experts and interest groups, and collectively finalize proposals. An e-voting takes place, and any proposal supported by at least 80% of the Citizens' Assembly is deemed accepted.
Proposals are handed over to the city government at the end of the day. The proposals are accepted on behalf of the city by Mayor Mihhail Kõlvart.
Citizens' Assembly events are not public. However, it is possible to participate as an observer with prior arrangement by expressing interest by October 1st to
10.30-11.00 Arrival, coffee
11.00-11.30 Recollection of the journey of the People's Assembly and a spirited warm-up to the day
11.30-13.00 Completion and finalisation of proposals in group discussions.
13.00-14.00 Lunch
14.00-14.30 Voting - the final collective proposals of the People's Assembly will be revealed.
14.30 - 15.10 Representatives of the People's Assembly hand over the proposals to the city. Speeches by Mayor Mihhail Kõlvart and Raido Roop, the city's Strategy Director. Joint photo!
15.10-15.50 A sweet celebration and concluding group discussion.
15.50-16.00 Closing remarks
The report of the People's Assembly proposals will be made public on the website by the 9th of November at the latest.
Linna vastuste päev
17.15–17.30 Kogunemine
17.30–17.40 Õhtujuhi tervitus
17.40–17.50 Tallinna abilinnapea Pärtel-Peeter Pere tervitussõnad
17.55–18.10 Rahvakogu töörühma esindaja Mihhail Jevdokimov Keskkonna- ja Kommunaalametist annab ülevaate Rahvakogu ettepanekute läbitöötamisest ja tulemustest.
18.15–18.20 Virgutuspaus õhtujuhiga
18.20–18.35 Rahvakogu juhtrühma esindaja, Keskkonna- ja Kommunaalameti juht Jaan Tarmak esitleb raportit „Tallinna vastused Rahvakogu ettepanekutele“
18.40–18.50 Rahvakogu esindaja Gert Preegeli sõnavõtt
18.55–19.00 Õhtujuhi kokkuvõte
19.00–19.30 Suupisted ja vabas vormis arutelu
Õhtujuht: Jevgeni Timoštšuk