
Citizens' Assembly for a Green Capital

From 7 October to 4 November this year, the first Green Capital Citizens' Assembly took place. With the help of experts and stakeholders, the City of Tallinn invited citizens to answer the question "How can we link Tallinn's green spaces into an inviting urban whole?"

On the 4th of November 2023, the Citizens' Assembly approved 39 proposals and handed them over to the city. The proposals can be seen here (currently only in Estonian).

Tallinn gave it's answers to the proposals on 22nd of May 2024, they can be seen here.

See the conclusive video of the Citizens' Assembly here.

Tallinn is the European Green Capital this year and this is a good opportunity to think together, engage in more meaningful cooperation with city residents, businesses and organisations and raise awareness about nature - green and climate change. The prestigious title encourages city organisations to find and test more effective methods of engagement. The Citizens' Assembly is an engagement format that has not been carried out in Tallinn before and we are keen to gain new experience.

The Green Capital Citizens' Assembly was the fourth Citizens' Assembly in Estonia and the third on climate change. The organisation of the Green Capital Citizens' Assembly was consulted by DD Center for Democracy. The Center develops and tests the format of the Citizens' Assembly for sustainable development. The cooperation with the City of Tallinn was carried out through a grant for the activities of non-profit organisations (grant decision).

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