- Schools 2023
- Võru Vocational Training Centre
A good school for life!
Võrumaa Vocational Education Centre with a distinguished history is located in the village of Väimela in Võru County - 5km from Võru and 20km from Põlva. The Võrumaa Vocational Education Centre offers vocational education for basic school students, vocational education and further education for adults, and general education for adults
The Võrumaa Vocational Training Centre's teaching base comprises several buildings with different functions: a stately main building, a construction building for the study of building trades, a technical building for the acquisition of technical trades (mechatronics, metal and wood) and a competence centre for wood enterprises, Tsenter. In addition, the school also has two comfortable and affordable boarding houses close to the main building of the VKHK.
2021. as of 2009, the VKHK has 597 students enrolled in single-sex education, of which 45% are aged 0-19, 11% aged 20-25 and 44% aged 25+