

  • The name of the country comes from the name of the Germanic tribe of the Franks, and the word "franc" itself meant "free".
  • The flag of France is a tricolor, in which white symbolizes the Bourbon royal family and red and blue were the colors of the Paris Commune, thus uniting the monarchy and revolution in this flag.
  • Inventions made in France include the counting machine, balloon, airship, parachute, submarine, ambulance service, photography, and cinema.
  • The first public screening was held in Paris on December 28, 1895. Brothers Louis and Auguste Lumiere used their invention the cinématographe to show 10 films of 50 seconds each in SalonIndienduGrandCafé. Although the brothers have made many films, they have called cinema "an invention without a future".
  • All the champagne sold in the world is produced in the Champagne region of France. If it's produced elsewhere, in another country, it's just a local version of sparkling wine.

  • With over 80 million tourists every year, France is the most visited country on earth
  • France used the guillotine until 1981, when a law abolishing the death penalty came out.
  • In 2016, supermarkets were banned from throwing away unsold food. They are now required to donate them to charities.
  • The perfume capital of the world is in the French city of Grasse. This is where perfumers are trained, and where the famous Chanel No 5.
  • France has 40,000 castles and palaces and the Louvre is the largest palace in the world.
  • Croissantwithout which it is impossible to imagine a Frenchman's breakfast, is actually not a French dish at all The croissant came to France from Austria.

  • France's festive cuisine with all its rituals and traditions of serving it has been inscribed on the list of Intangible Cultural Heritage by UNESCO.
  • France produces 1200 different types of cheese with an annual output of almost 1 billion tons. The French proverb says un fromage par jourdel'année - "for every day of the year a different cheese."
  • Beauty contests for children are banned in France.
  • Everyone knows that the French love a special long and narrow bread - baguette. According to one version, this type of bread appeared during the construction of the Paris Metro. There were frequent clashes between workers, and since they carried bread knives, everything could end in injuries. So bakers were asked to bake bread that didn't need to be cut. The tradition of breaking the baguette by hand has survived to this day, and in Paris alone sells about 500,000 baguettes every day!

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