
Maria Regina College is a college with great potential. This is so because the College has faith in its students, parents and staff. Hence, it has faith in itself. Why? The answer is very simple. Being positive about oneself is a sure road to success. Losing faith in face of challenges is not on board.

Our sole focus is to be Creative, Innovative and Professional in anything that is put on the agenda. It is an established practice of ours to embrace constant self-evaluation because we believe that it is only through such a practice that we can move forward and be of sterling service to the students and the community we serve.

Maria Regina College comprises nine schools, the majority of which are housed at the northern part of the island. The College network is made up of two Secondary Schools, six Primary Schools and one Adult Resource Centre.

Through a clear vision the College is to act as a sufficient driver for its schools to come together, to walk together and to work collaboratively, thus promoting educator-to-educator learning.

A set of eight aims also portray a very active and proactive College where the child is always at the centre of all activity.