  • Programme


Day one, 14.11.23

Conference & on-site activities @ Tallinn Creative Hub Kultuurikatel (Kursi 3, 10415 Tallinn)
Entrance through the Chimney (Entrance A)

09:00 - 09:30
Welcome coffee
Duration: 30 min

Venue: Lobby area next to the Small Hall (zero floor)

09:30 - 09:35
Introductory words from the moderators
Duration: 5 min

Venue: Small Hall


Broadcaster and communications expert | BBC & Monocle 24


Broadcaster, business editor and presenter | BBC & Newstalk.

09:35 - 09:40
Opening notes
Duration: 5 min

Venue: Small Hall


Mayor of Tallinn

09:40 - 10:10
"Collective power and mutual care in a time of storms"
Duration: 30 min

Venue: Small Hall


Writer, urbanist, leading "smart cities” sceptic, and passionate advocate for human-centred design

10:10 - 10:40
"How cities define the green agenda for the world" — Experience of an entrepreneur for the common good
Duration: 30 min

Venue: Small Hall


Innovator, entrepreneur, economist, and author of "The Blue Economy"

10:40 - 11:30
Panel discussion: "How to unify the private and the public? How to boost cooperation and innovation?"
Duration: 50 min

Venue: Small Hall


Private sector businesses can leverage the resources of local governments to support growth in their core competencies, while the public sector can benefit from expertise in areas from automatization to customer happiness, which could create incentives for joint investments in R&D. How can governments promote a culture of innovation through hackathons and incubators? Both sides working together could manifest in creating policies beneficial to all stakeholders, including citizens, entrepreneurs and the government


Board Member, Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities Mission, European Commission


CEO of Vienna Solutions | Former Deputy Mayor, City of Vienna


Deputy Mayor, City of Tallinn


CEO, Utilitas Tallinn


D.Sc. Tech | SDG work for City of Espoo

11:30 - 12:00
Coffee break
Duration: 30 min

Venue: Lobby area next to the Small Hall

12:00 - 12:30
Keynote on innovation in governance
Duration: 30 min

Venue: Small Hall


Professor of Science and Technology Policy | Head of TalTech Nurkse Department of Innovation and Governance

12:30 - 13:30
Panel discussion: "How to innovate the public sector and maximize resilience in an epoch of crises?"
Duration: 60 min

Venue: Small Hall


In times of uncertainty agility is the key. Public innovation includes focusing on agile governance approaches and use of technology that prioritize quicker decision-making for more efficient problem-solving. Reducing red tape might spur creativity, collaboration, and innovation. The tools for reforms could include developing clear metrics for success; creating effective data management systems that allow evidence-based decision-making; and providing resources. How to innovate such a complex phenomenon and who have succeeded?


Expert, Transformative Governance, Demos Helsinki


Executive Director of the European Green Capital 2023 — Tallinn


FinEst Centre for Smart Cities | Stanford


TalTech University, Department of Innovation and Governance

13:30 - 15:00
Lunch & Networking
Duration: 90 min

Venue: Lobby area next to the Small Hall

15:00 - 15:30
"Artificial intelligence - beyond the fog of hype and hysteria"
Duration: 30 min

Venue: Small Hall


Artificial intelligence is probably the most disruptive technological development in human history. With chat-GPT the powers of AI came even closer to our everyday lives and jobs. The opportunities and challenges are apparently equally abundant. In this talk, we will move beyond the current hype and hysteria to look at the real value that may lie within AI, both for businesses and for society in general. Why is generative AI in fact a paradigm shift, and how can the AI toolbox be an enabler in the efforts towards more sustainable societies?


On the other hand, AI comes with some significant costs and challenges, both in terms of misalignment between humans and machines, ethical concerns, increased cyber security risks and highly tangible environmental footprints. How can you as leaders and decision-maker navigate in this complex and fast-moving landscape?


Futurist, artificial intelligence expert and business strategist

15:30 - 16:30
Panel discussion: "How to create human-centric urban developments?"
Duration: 60 min

Venue: Small Hall


How to create cities that are not only smart, but also resilient and inclusive? The human-centric approach holds an idea for urban development that puts people first, emphasising social foundations and technology to improve lives – with ample resources, and providing for basic needs, such as secure housing, reliable transportation, efficient energy systems, green spaces and access to quality education and healthcare


Deputy Mayor, City of Bologna


Professor of Future City, Academy of Architecture and Urban Studies, TalTech 


Deputy Mayor, City of Košice


CEO, Member of the Management Board, Mainor Ülemiste, Ülemiste City 

16:30 - 16:45
Closing words
Duration: 15 min

Venue: Small Hall


Broadcaster and communications expert | BBC & Monocle 24


Broadcaster, business editor and presenter | BBC & Newstalk.

16:45 - 17:00
Duration: 15 min
17:00 - 18:00
Guided tour introducing the who’s-who of NEXPO Tallinn 2023
Duration: 60 min

Meeting point in front of the Small Hall

18:00 - 19:00
GreenTech Week opening reception: Part I
Duration: 60 min

Venue: Cauldron Hall & Atrium


Welcoming session for all GreenTech Week participants. Networking, drinks & mingle

19:00 - 21:00
GreenTech Week F*ck Up Night
Duration: 120 min

Venue: Black Box


The green transformation is well under way in cities, businesses, and organizations around the world. Luckily. It is passionate leaders, change makers, entrepreneurs, and people of all sorts who work, experiment, test and implement projects to fast forward sustainability. But while we constantly hear so-called “best practice cases”, we actually hear very little about the things going wrong. Still – we all know: they happen. All the time. Everywhere.


This FuckUp Night celebrates the very failures and mistakes made in the green transition. Meet three exceptional leaders and hear their very personal stories of disaster and how we can learn from them.


Moderated by Gerald Baber-Sutter, CEO of Urban Future


Founder & CEO of Miltton New Nordics


CEO of Vienna Solutions | Former Deputy Mayor, City of Vienna


Visionary Advocate for Regenerative City Systems

21:00 - 22:00
GreenTech Week opening reception: Part II
Duration: 60 min

Venue: Cauldron Hall & Atrium


Reception continues with informal mingling, networking with drinks and DJs performances

Day two, 15.11.23

Day two starts with study visits on remarkable examples of public and private innovation in Tallinn. After lunch, there is an opportunity to network, grab a drink and mingle the hottest trendsetters from ITS Estonia and Estonian ICT Cluster at the NEXPO City

09:45 - 10:00
Duration: 15 min

Meeting point in front of Tallink SPA & Conference Hotel (Sadama 11a, 10111 Tallinn)

10:00 - 10:30
Shuttle buses depart for study visits
Duration: 30 min

Buses leave from Tallink SPA & Conference Hotel (Sadama 11a, 10111 Tallinn)

10:30 - 13:30
Study visits (according to prior registration)
Duration: 180 min

A: Smart city & governance (Tehnopol & TalTech FinEst Centre for Smart Cities)

B: Innovation & green technology (Ülemiste City)

C: Linking public & private sectors (Utilitas Tallinn)

Detailed descriptions are listed under "Tours & Venues"

13:30 - 14:00
Shuttle buses returning from the study visits
Duration: 30 min

Drop-off in front of Tallink SPA & Conference Hotel (Sadama 11a, 10111 Tallinn)

14:00 - 15:15
Lunch & Networking
Duration: 75 min

Venue: Restaurant Nero at Tallink SPA & Conference Hotel (Sadama 11a, 10111 Tallinn)

15:30 - 17:00
ITS Estonia & ICT Cluster present: Pitching, networking & cocktail reception
Duration: 90 min

Venue: Nexpo City, Highlight Stage


ITS Estonia unites the intelligent transportation and logistics systems (ITS) community in Estonia. This event brings together ITS Estonia members to showcase their innovative ideas and solutions through pitching sessions. Estonian ICT Cluster is a collaboration platform for enterprises, created to boost the development of new products and solutions and foster their export to the international market.


These companies will have the chance to present their projects, products, and services related to smart and sustainable city initiatives, highlighting their expertise, achievements, and future plans. This event provides a unique opportunity for participants to exchange knowledge, explore potential collaborations, and stay updated on the latest trends and advancements in the field.

Contacts of organizer

Tallinn, Harju maakond, Estonia