
Our main products are different seeds and seed mixtures. For those we grow over 100 species of Estonian native meadow flowers. Our seed fields are located in aestetically extremely pleasing area with hills and beautiful lakes just 20 km outside of Tartu. For work we can organize everyday transport from Tartu and back but it is even possible to come and go by bus. We will provide all the necessery working gear for You (clothes, tools etc) and we have all thats needed for work pauses (toilet, possibility to lay down and rest, warm up food, make tea and coffee etc). For a short while we can even provide accomodation for two but for families and longer term stay we have possipility to offer an apartment in Tartu (already listed in Pagulasabi).

You are very welcome if:

  • You like gardening - seeding, watering, weeding, collecting seeds;
  • You are willing to come and work in countiside;
  • You can speak English or have enough patience to remind Russian to those, who have'nt used it for long time.

If You have teenage kids who like to join You in gardening, we can find some activities for them as well.

For payment, we can offer depend of Your skill level 1100 - 1300 € per month (948 - 1091 € when all the taxes are payed) Gardening work is provided at least from the beginning of May to the end of September but then we start the long process of seed cleaning and this needs some extra hands as well.

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Kõrgemäe talu, Soitsjärve küla, Tartu vald, Tartumaa


Kõrgemäe talu, Soitsjärve küla, Tartu vald, Tartumaa