
Supply Chain Conference 2023

30.03.2023 at the Film Museum (Pirita tee 56, 12011 Tallinn)

Finding solutions to change and the crises it creates has become an integral part of our daily work. To paraphrase the living classics. You have to solve crises all the time". This is the new reality and we are left to adapt or perish. This is why PROLOG's Supply Chain Conference will once again take an in-depth look into a changing world and environment.

Let's keep our international line. We are bringing you speakers from around the world to give a global view of what is happening, because we are not alone in these changes and the whole world is looking for answers to the same questions. The backbone of the conference will be the best local speakers with examples of solutions right here in Estonia. We offer speakers whose leadership experiences help them see opportunities in a changing business environment and find solutions to overcome the challenges that arise. Through the experiences of international and Estonian speakers, we will bring insight into how global processes affect the way our businesses and countries operate. It is necessary to know how we, as logistics and supply chain managers, need to navigate this confusion in order to make the right decisions.

PROLOG's Sixth International Supply Chain Conference will be a valuable meeting place for all those involved in industry, trade, freight forwarding, transport and logistics. It is a great place to make new contacts in the supply chain and purchasing sectors. In addition to the day's presentations from the world's and Estonia's top experts, the evening networking is an integral part of the conference - networking in a relaxed atmosphere with wine and snacks. This time too!

Peep Tomingas
Member of the Board of the Estonian Supply Chain Management Association PROLOG and Programme Manager of the conference


09:00 - 10:00
Registreerimine ja hommikukohv
Duration: 60 min

I Supply chain vision and trends

10:00 - 10:10
Duration: 10 min
Peep Tomingas

Member of the board of the Estonian Supply Chain Management Association PROLOG and programme manager of the conference

10:10 - 10:45
How to cope with change and increase supply chain resilience?
Duration: 35 min

Robert is a highly experienced Procurement Manager responsible for the procurement of materials for Bosch Automotive's South American production units. He will talk about how Bosch has been able to cope with change and make its supply chain resilient.

Robert Huter

Bosch American Vice President

Robert has 30 years of strategic procurement experience. This comes from various levels of international management at Bosch headquarters, business units and factories. Robert covers all areas of Bosch's professional purchasing - the purchase of production materials, overhead goods and services. From 2012 to 2019, he was responsible for fixed asset investments globally at Bosch. He is currently completing a 3-year restructuring project of Bosch's automotive business with an international team, which is why he will have the opportunity to speak at the conference on how Bosch managed change and ensured supply chain resilience.

10:45 - 11:20
Supply chain security has been an illusion - what next?
Duration: 35 min

We live in different crises: war, congestion in ports, energy crises. What are the new influences to watch out for when buying from across the sea? What threats need to be taken into account in risk plans? How can we make the right decisions in an agile and changeable environment? What could be the impact of green transport chains? What are our options to mitigate supply chain risks? Ulla Pirita will analyse the different risks in the supply chain and in transport, mainly from a maritime and intermodal perspective.

Ulla Pirita Tapaninen

Professor of Maritime Navigation at TalTech Estonian Maritime Academy

Ulla has 30 years of experience in logistics and maritime transport. His practical experience comes from working for two Finnish shipping companies, Finnlines and ESL Shipping. In addition, she has been involved in maritime and cross-border transport development projects in Helsinki. Ulla's academic activities are related to Aalto and Turku Universities and now to Tallinn University of Technology. She has written several books on logistics and maritime transport.

For the conference, she analysed the risks that the recent crises brought to supply chains. He tells us what threats to consider in risk plans, what impacts we need to monitor and how to make the right decisions in a changing environment. From his presentation, you will understand what we can do to mitigate the risks of crises in the supply chain. You can follow Ullla ahead of the conference:

Ulla omab 30-aastast kogemust logistikas ja meretranspordis. Tema praktiline kokkupuude valdkonnaga pärineb töötamisest kahes Soome laevandusettevõttes: Finnlines ja ESL Shipping. Lisaks on ta kaasa löönud Helsingi merenduse ja piiriülese transpordi arendusprojektides. Ulla akadeemiline tegevus on seotud Aalto ja Turu ülikoolidega ning nüüd Tallinna Tehnikaülikooliga. Tema sulest pärinevad mitmed logistika ja meretranspordialased raamatud.

Konverentsi jaoks analüüsis ta riske, mida viimased kriisid tõid tarneahelate jaoks. Ta ütleb, milliste ohtudega peab arvestama riskiplaanides, milliseid mõjusid peame jälgima ja kuidas tegema muutuste olukorras õigeid otsuseid. Tema ettekandest saab aru, millised on meie võimalused maandada kriiside tekitatavaid riske tarneahelas. Ullat saab jälgida juba enne konverentsi: and on twitter @utapaninen.

11:20 - 11:50
The future of road transport: how to prepare for the changes ahead?
Duration: 30 min

An over-regulated market, green mobility, digital transformation, breakthrough innovation - how will all this affect our near future? The presentation will share insights on the future of the road transport sector and the challenges ahead in today's context of change and the opportunities in this context.

Umberto de Pretto

IRU (International Road Transport Union) Secretary General

His vision is to lead the road transport industry towards embracing innovation and to ensure that the industry and the regulatory framework are ready for the challenges and opportunities ahead.
After graduating from Carleton University in Ottawa with a degree in Political Economy and International Relations, he worked in the Canadian Parliament and then moved to Paris in 1992 to become Head of the Department of Transport. Shortly after, he was appointed Deputy Director of the International Chamber of Commerce, responsible for international trade practices and techniques. He joined the IRU in 1995 and became Secretary General in 2013.

11:50 - 20:00
Supply Chain Manager Ceremony
Duration: 490 min
12:00 - 13:00
Duration: 60 min

II Supply chain threats and opportunities

13:00 - 13:25
What changes are in store for raw material supply chains?
Duration: 25 min

The global market for raw materials needs to be re-played. Let's look to the future. Will Europe's industries stay in business and be sustainable for the future of raw materials? Can industry continue to function in a situation of uncertain raw material flows? How can contracts and regularities be made to work? What are the opportunities for Estonia? We offer solutions from scenarios on how to predict the future. Versions of how sanctioned commodity channels will be replayed? What challenges and opportunities does this present for businesses?

Jüri Seilenthal

Director General of the Foreign Economic Affairs Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

13:25 - 13:45
What needs to change in your own production/transport to turn green challenges into success?
Duration: 20 min

What is Europe's green turnaround? Is its content comprehensible, reasonable and realistic? Should we, as businesses, just wait for language, orders and guidelines from somewhere higher up, or should we take the initiative to make the world a better place? Mihkel is guided by the idea that in order to survive and thrive in change, you have to initiate and lead change. What is the aim of Rohetiiger, the cross-sectoral voluntary cooperation platform he has conceived and led? How Rohetiiger can support industrial and logistics companies to adapt to the European green revolution. What needs to be re-played in your own production/transport to turn green challenges into success?

Mihkel Tammo


Rohetiiger is a cross-sectoral platform seeking a balanced economic model for Estonia, but why not for the world. Mihkel is one of the leaders of Rohetiiger. Between 2020 and 2016, he led Estanc, one of Estonia's flagship companies in the machinery and metals industry. He created Estanc's new business strategy and transformed the management model to a people-centric one. The company started to implement sustainability principles. Since leaving Estanc, Mihkel's expertise has been valued by several top Estonian organisations, which he has advised in mentoring programmes: Bolt, PPA, Elisa, Exmet Service, Eleport, etc.
At the conference, Mihkel will advise the audience on how to survive in the face of green changes. In order to be successful, you have to initiate and lead change. Mihkel has ideas to help manufacturing and transport turn green challenges into success.

13:45 - 14:05
Source data correct. If we use wishful thinking instead of facts to build a strategy, we will miss the target
Duration: 20 min

Would you expect to reach your destination using the wrong map of the city on your GPS? Probably not. Neither will you and I get there if we use wishful thinking instead of facts to formulate our strategy. As Max Jacobson observed of the crisis in Finland in the early 1990s: 'According to IMF statistics, Finland was the eighth richest country in the world in 1988. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) declared that Finland was the world's richest country in 1988. 'The Finns sailed into the 1990s in first class, but the name of the ship was the Titanic'. Are we in first class or on the Titanic? A little course correction and the story of the Titanic would not have been a cautionary disaster but a success story. In fact, the story of the Titanic was a success story. 80% of the time. Can you and I be part of the course change? Do we have the right map?

Peeter Tammistu

Economic Analyst and Member of the Supervisory Board of Mootor Group

14:05 - 14:30
What are our options and ways out of the crisis? The consultation
Duration: 25 min

What criteria must an Estonian industrial company meet to become a partner of a large corporation? What are the requirements and expectations? Let's look at the most common major mistakes to watch out for on the way to becoming a large corporation partner. The importance of pre-assessing the role of suppliers - what is it and how to prepare for it? How to qualify as a partner? What is our key to the world market anyway?

Jaanus Krull
Tiina Kivikas
Mihkel Tammo
Peeter Tammistu
14:30 - 15:00
Coffee break
Duration: 30 min

III Supply chain experience

15:00 - 15:30
Experience: how and what new technologies MRO is testing in purchasing and logistics
Duration: 30 min

Magnetic MRO operates in a technology-rich, highly regulated aviation sector. This places many constraints on the introduction of any innovation. Raivo will talk about how Magnetic MRO, through its perseverance and in collaboration with partners, has introduced innovative technological solutions and how they are helping them to improve the efficiency of their purchasing processes and in-house logistics. Raivo's presentation confirms that it pays to take that prudent risk and trust external, often small, start-ups to develop something new and exciting together.

Raivo Roolaid

Magnetic MRO Supply Chain Manager

Magnetic MRO operates in the highly regulated, technology-rich aviation sector. This places many constraints on the introduction of any innovation. However, Raivo will talk about how Magnetic MRO has persevered and worked with partners to introduce innovative technological solutions and how they are helping to improve the efficiency of purchasing processes and inbound logistics. Raivo's presentation confirms that it pays to take measured risks and to trust external, often small start-ups to develop something new and exciting together.

15:30 - 16:00
Experience: how to improve transport efficiency - what got us here won't get us there anymore
Duration: 30 min

How making transport data exchange paperless will help to increase the competitiveness of transport companies (productivity, fewer errors, faster process and visibility of cash flows), which in turn will also bring savings to suppliers (improved delivery reliability, delivery accuracy and speed of decision-making through process transparency). Data for whom and for what? Why is data-driven decision making important? Why is it important across supply chains? We will talk about how transport management efficiency has increased by 30%, using successful companies as examples.

Ojari Paas

Founder of Live Technologies OÜ

16:00 - 16:30
Experience: the supply chain as a selling point
Duration: 30 min

All functions of the company work for the customer, including suppliers and logistics providers. What does the customer value? We talk about meeting customer expectations, agility, delivery accuracy, delivery quality, customer service and how to make it all breathe in one. Kristjan will share from his practical experience of meeting customers how important the supply chain is for a manufacturer and how to make it a selling point for your customers.

Kristjan Erm

GPV Group (formerly Enics) Head of Business Development

Kristjan's 15-year sales and business development career includes experience in heavy industry and engineering. He is at home in industrial automation and has spent the last 8 years in the highly demanding field of industrial electronics manufacturing. He has partnered with teams ranging from local start-ups to the largest multinational corporations in the industry. All of them are customers whose expectations must be met with the same level of delivery accuracy, quality and customer service. Kristjan will talk about how to make these metrics work together for the customer. He shares practical experiences from his own meetings with customers that show how important the supply chain is to the manufacturer and how to make it a selling point for the customer.

16:30 - 17:00
Experience: how counterparty profiling can help you succeed in negotiations
Duration: 30 min

Negotiation is a daily activity for procurement and purchasing managers. The ability to assert ourselves in weak negotiating positions and in difficult situations is what determines how successful we are. In his presentation, Timo will talk about his own negotiation challenges where he has been forced to negotiate literally at gunpoint. In his presentation, he will give some examples and tips on how to assess the other side's intentions and credibility.

Timo Nieminen

Lighthouse Consulting trainer and expert

17:00 - 17:20
Päeva kokkuvõte – mida me õppisime ja kuidas me edasi liigume
Duration: 20 min
Peep Tomingas


Hanno Septer

Incap Electronics Group Supply Lead

PROLOG networking

PROLOG's Sixth International Supply Chain Conference is a valuable meeting place for all those involved in industry, trade, freight forwarding, transport and logistics. It is a great place to make new contacts in the supply chain and purchasing sectors. In addition to the day's presentations from the world's and Estonia's top experts, the evening networking is an integral part of the conference - networking in a relaxed atmosphere with wine and snacks. This time too!

Contacts of organizer
