
Poster Session I

Topic 1: The Quest for Carbon 
P01. Veljo Kisand: Persistence of methane-derived carbon contribution to chironomid biomass in a human-impacted boreal lake despite drastic measures to counteract the effects of anthropogenic eutrophication
P02. Markus Haber: Exploring a novel lineage of widespread freshwater Armatimonadota
P03. Igor Pessi: Analysis of pha genes in the global sunlit ocean P04. Yanhui Kong: Metagenomics reveal seasonal variations in microbial trace element transport in the Southern Ocean

Topic 2: Hoops and loops of nitrogen and phosporus cycle
P05. Judith van der Giessen: Methylphosphonate utilization and the associated aerobic methane production in the Mediterranean Sea

Topic 3: Ecology of aquatic microbial eukaryotes
P06. Sohrab Khan: High frequency dynamics of heterotrophic flagellates in coastal waters of baltic Sea in early spring
P07. Emanuele Ferrari: Proteomic characterization of the secretome of Daphnia and associated bacteria shed light on the role of secreted proteins in free DNA degradation and uptake
P08. Vojtěch Kasalický: Seasonality of heterotrophic protists in canyon-shaped reservoirs P09. Helena Henriques Vieira: Cultivation and Genomics of a Giant Virus infecting the Cryptophyte Rhodomonas

Topic 4: Deep aquatic biosphere: below 200 m in water column, subsurface
P10. Cristiana Callieri: Synechococcus spp. in the deep Black Sea

Topic 6: Microbial interactions
P11. Margarita Esmeralda Gonzales Ferraz: Potentially toxic cyanobacteria in Lake Peipsi: use of microcystin gene copies to determine the potentially toxic Microcystis spp.
P12. Daniel Herlemann: The importance of generalists during the disturbance of gastrointestinal bacterial community in a model system
P13. Marta Salek: Abundance and diversity of protistan-prokaryotic interactions in freshwater lakes of the Masurian Lakeland
P14. Lorena Selak: Salinization-induced changes in microbial communities involved in the methane cycle in a freshwater lake
P15. Connor Lawrence: The cascading effects of parasitic fungi on nutrient cycling in aquatic diatom systems
P16. Andrey Rozenberg: Life cycle, genomics and evolution of a polinton-like virus virophage from the abundant marine haptophyte Phaeocystis globosa
P17. Julia Weissenbach: Cyanophages in the Baltic Sea
P18. Tianshuo Xu: Composition and functionality of zooplankton-associated bacteria across the Baltic Sea salinity gradient P19. Emma Bell: CRISPRs reveal the temporal dynamics of microbe-virus interactions in the Baltic Sea
P19. Emma Bell: CRISPRs reveal the temporal dynamics of microbe-virus interactions in the Baltic Sea

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