- Performers 13. november
- Presentation of the “Oil Shale Industry Yearbook 2019”
Presentation of the “Oil Shale Industry Yearbook 2019”
The oil shale industry yearbook has been published annually since 2014 by TalTech Virumaa College Oil Shale Competence Center, Eesti Energia AS, Viru Keemia Grupp AS and Kiviõli Keemiatööstuse OÜ.
The yearbook summarizes the data of the financial year, describes the role of the Estonian oil shale industry in the national economy, the oil shale value chain from mining to the finished product, relations with the natural environment, the role of science and the contribution of industry to society.
The yearbook will be available on the websites of the competence center and companies from 13 November in Estonian and from the beginning of December also in Russian and English.
Useful Information
Raamatuesitluse kannab ette Kalle Pirk | Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli Virumaa kolledži põlevkivi kompetentsikeskuse juhataja
The Oil Shale Competence Center organizes oil shale conferences in Ida-Virumaa every year to bring together various parties - scientists, entrepreneurs, policy makers, representatives of local governments, engineers, etc. to jointly discuss topical issues in the oil shale sector.
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