  • In Maardu you are the priority

Five reasons why you are a priority

1. Financial support for you and your family
The city provides diverse financial assistance for you and your family. For example, Maardu offers some of the highest birth and school allowances in the region.

2. Your voice shapes the city and its urban environment
As a resident of Maardu, you decide who leads the city by participating in local elections.  The participatory budget initiative empowers every resident of Maardu to decide which projects or facilities will come to life, giving you a direct role in shaping our community. Each year, through the inspiring "Make Your Hometown Beautiful" idea competition, residents can share their vision for improving the city. Whether it's an outdoor pool, a basketball court, or an open-air stage, your ideas matter. The winning proposals are brought to life, transforming dreams into reality and making Maardu a better place for everyone.

3. Focus on your physical health. 

Maardu proudly hosts a new Health Center, equipped with cutting-edge technologies and staffed by highly skilled family doctors. Beyond healthcare, the city offers an impressive range of sports activities to suit all interests, including scuba diving, taekwondo, table tennis, rhythmic gymnastics, street dance, boxing, and more. Residents benefit from exceptional facilities such as a sports complex with a swimming pool, a large football stadium, health trails, a sand volleyball court, and skate parks. This dedication to sports has helped nurture remarkable talent, with Maardu producing legendary athletes like football stars Konstantin Vassiljev and Dmitri Kruglov, world champion ballroom dancer Konstantin Gorodilov, and European diving silver medalist Jelena Smirnova. Maardu truly stands as a city where health and sports go hand in hand.

4. Heartfelt activities for your free time

Maardu is a hub of vibrant community life, with the Maardu Community Center and Leisure Center hosting over 100 free events each year, ensuring there's always something exciting to enjoy. The Culture and Information Center brings the city together with grand celebrations, including the Maslenitsa festivals (celebrating both Slavic and Estonian cultures), lively spring and autumn fairs, enchanting Midsummer festivities, City Day, First Advent and dazzling New Year’s Eve celebrations. For outdoor enthusiasts, Maardu Forest Park offers thrilling activities like paintball, disc golf, and scenic hiking trails. Meanwhile, the serene Maardu Lake invites visitors to relax with beachside fun or indulge in year-round fishing. Whether you're seeking cultural enrichment or outdoor adventures, Maardu has it all.

5. Youths are a priority too

The Youth Council in Maardu empowers young people to make a difference, bring their ideas to life, and contribute to the city's development. The city also has a Youth Activity Center, a favorite among the younger generation, and a Day Center for young people with special needs. These centers provide a safe and creative environment, offering social services, crafting, sports, and trips to exhibitions and museums.

Maardu – the city where you come first!

Maardu as a capable partner and an important link in Estonia's economy.

Located just 15 minutes from Estonia’s capital, Maardu is a young, vibrant city brimming with potential. Neighboring Viimsi and Jõelähtme municipalities, Maardu has earned recognition both locally and internationally for its resilience, capabilities, and future-oriented vision. The city proudly maintains relationships with over 20 twin cities across the globe, fostering partnerships in culture, education, youth engagement, sports, and business. These collaborations have established Maardu as a key participant in international cultural exchanges, with the city’s creative groups performing at global festivals and youth taking part in events and competitions abroad.

For decades, Maardu has been a cornerstone of Estonia’s economy, thriving as a transit and industrial hub. Strategically located at the intersection of sea, rail, and road routes, the city benefits from its prime geopolitical position. At the heart of Maardu’s economic strength is Muuga Port, Estonia’s largest international cargo port, which reinforces the city’s status as a vital link in global trade. 

Looking ahead, the construction of the Tallinn-Helsinki tunnel and the Rail Baltica railway will further elevate Maardu’s significance, paving the way for the city to emerge as the leading transit and logistics center in the Baltic States. With its unique blend of innovation, collaboration, and strategic foresight, Maardu stands poised for a dynamic future.

A city for the youth, where opportunities are always within your grasp

Maardu is a vibrant and youthful city, home to over fifty nationalities, with an average age of just 35–36 years. Known as a city for the young, Maardu offers excellent opportunities for education, work, and a fulfilling leisure life.

The city features three kindergartens, three general education schools, and the Maardu School of Arts. Maardu Gymnasium provides both traditional and flexible non-stationary learning options, standing out with its innovative language immersion program. This approach successfully integrates students from Russian-speaking families into an Estonian-speaking environment while fostering a deeper understanding of both cultures and traditions.

Kallavere Secondary School takes this a step further with its unique triple-language immersion program, where subjects are taught in Estonian, English, and Russian. This multilingual environment provides students with an exceptional opportunity to develop language skills and thrive in a diverse educational setting.

Maardu proves that education and cultural diversity go hand in hand, offering young people the best foundation for growth and self-realization.

Maardu offers abundant opportunities for an active and diverse lifestyle. The city is home to 15 sports clubs, 43 hobby groups, the Maardu City Library, and numerous vocal, dance, and creative studios. Among these, the Veer & Shpaga Theater and the Art Arena Studio stand out as enriching additions to the city's cultural life.

Maardu continues to grow and develop, with new residential buildings being constructed and the best conditions created to welcome young families into the community. The city cherishes a beautiful tradition of celebrating its youngest residents. Several times a year, the mayor hosts a ceremonial reception for newborns and their parents. This heartfelt event leaves lasting memories for families, who receive a silver spoon and a personalized certificate as a gift.

Maardu is a city that combines modern conveniences, a rich cultural life, and a caring community.

Tuntud sporditähed tulevad just Maardust

Tänu mitmekülgsetele spordivõimalustele on linlased väga aktiivsed väga erinevates spordialades. Edukamad neist on toonud Maardule palju säravaid võite.

Klubi Maardu Olümp Kalev on juba mitu aastat tunnistatud Eesti tugevamaks poksiklubiks. Noored taekwondo harrastajad ja sumomaadlejad on edukalt võistelnud erineva tasemega konkurssidel. Hinnatud on meie allveeujujate ja võistlustantsijate võidud nii Eestis kui Euroopas. Jalgpallivõistkond Maardu Linnameeskond on võitnud Esiliiga ja omab kogemust Eesti kõrgemas Premium liigas.

Sport on meie linnas muutunud rahvusvaheliseks - linn kutsub sportlasi kogu maailmast rahvusvahelistele poksiturniiridele, kreeka-rooma maadluse ja lauatennise turniiridele. Noored jalgpallurid võistlevad igal aastal teiste riikide jalgpallimeeskondadega rahvusvahelisel laste jalgpalliturniiril „Maardu Cup“.

Oma spordipotentsiaali tulevad maardulased avastama igal aastal toimuvatel kevad- ja sügisjooksudel, Maardu City Run tervisespordi rahvaüritusel ning tervisematkadel. Lumistel talvedel armastatakse suusavõistluseid ja võisteldakse ka jääaluses kalapüügivõistluses Maardu Ahven. Kolm korda aastas leiavad aset iluvõimlemise turniirid. Rahvusvahelised on neist Balti Sügis, Maikellukesed ja vabariiklik  Veebruari Täht. Spordisõbrad saavad osaleda võrkpalli, rannavõrkpalli ja jalgpalli amatöörturniiridel. Noorte seas on populaarsed tänavavõimlemis- ja tänavatantsuturniirid, kus on osalejaid lisaks Eestile ka naaberriikidest.

Missiooniga vaba aeg

Lisaks väga laiale vaba aja veetmise valikule, mida linn pakub, on Maardus tähelepanuväärsed mitmed vabatahtlikud organisatsioonid ja ühendused, tänu millele saab nii nooruk, täiskasvanu kui pensionär tunda end vajaliku ja kasuliku ühiskonnaliikmena ning teha linnaelu mõistes midagi ära. 

Maardu kodanikuühendus Emade Linn toob kokku tahtejõulisi naisi, kes soovivad aktiivselt osaleda linna ühiskondlikus elus, saada kasulikku teavet, leida sõpru ning olla üksteisele ja piirkonnale eeskujuks. Ühendus korraldab spordiüritusi, matku, harivaid loenguid ja seminare, samuti tegeleb aktiivselt vabatahtliku tegevuse ja vanemate inimeste abistamisega.

Noored Kotkad ja Kodutütred on Maardus tegutsev ja Kaitseliidu tiiva all olev vabatahtlik organisatsioon, mis arendab noorukites patriotismi vaimu, loob tingimused isiksuse arenguks ja õpetab olema ettevõtlik eestvedaja. Noored läbivad mitmekülgset väljaõpet ja omandavad olulisi teadmisi kodanikuõpetuses, ajaloos, turvameetmetest ja ellujäämisest. Meil linnas kasvavad tugevad, julged, juhtimisoskusega ja suure potentsiaaliga.

Muuga Selts on Maardu linna hea koostööpartner, kes ühendab Muuga elanikke ning esindab nende ühiseid soove ja huve ning võimaldab kohalikel elanikel kaasa rääkida piirkonna arengus. Selts korraldab foorumeid, koristustalgusid, avalke üritusi, kodukohvikute päevi, laatasid ja kriisijuhtimise projekte, edendades piirkonna elu ja säilitades Muuga ajalugu. Muugal on mõnus! – selle motoga tegutseb Muuga Selts, olles kohaliku kogukonna hääl ja ühendaja.

Oluline on märkida ka Eesti Looduskaitse Seltsi Maardu osakonna tegevust, mis seisab kohaliku looduse hoidmise ja väärtustamise eest. Selts koondab loodushuvilisi, kes panustavad aktiivselt Maardu piirkonna keskkonnakaitseprojektidesse ja hariduslikesse algatustesse. Nende tegevused ulatuvad loodusretkede korraldamisest kuni ohustatud liikide elupaikade kaitsmiseni. Koostöös kohalike elanike ja omavalitsusega on selts pühendunud Maardu rohelise tuleviku kujundamisele.

Maardu linna mitmekülgsus pakub võimalusi iga elaniku heaoluks, enesearenguks ja eneseteostuseks. Teie heaolu on meie heaolu, teie areng on meie areng – mistõttu me väärtustame ja seame teid oma prioriteediks. Olete oodatud meie seltsi, astuge läbi!



Maardu City Government
Maardu Linnavalitsus, 1, Kallasmaa, Maardu, Harju County, 74111, Estonia
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