Program | 9. march

11:30 - 13:00
Gathering and lunch
Moderator Johannes Tralla
Moderator Johannes Tralla
13:00 - 13:20
EXCITE - Why and to Whom?
Ivo Fridolin, TalTech, Professor of Department of Health Technologies
Ivo Fridolin, TalTech, Professor of Department of Health Technologies
13:20 - 13:40
European Digital Sovereignty Initiative and Its Implications to Estonian Digital Goals
Linnar Viik, EIT Digital, Chairman of the Supervisory Board
Linnar Viik, EIT Digital, Chairman of the Supervisory Board
13:40 - 14:00
Where is IT in Energy?
Juri Belikov, TalTech, Tenured Assistant Professor, Head of Nonlinear Control Systems Group
Juri Belikov, TalTech, Tenured Assistant Professor, Head of Nonlinear Control Systems Group
14:00 - 14:15
On the Path to Trustworthy AI
Meelis Kull, University of Tartu, Institute of Computer Science, Associate Professor in Machine Learning
Meelis Kull, University of Tartu, Institute of Computer Science, Associate Professor in Machine Learning
14:15 - 14:30
Privacy, Distributed Databases and Digital Sovereignty
Liina Kamm, Cybernetica AS, Senior Researcher
Liina Kamm, Cybernetica AS, Senior Researcher

Liina Kamm is a Senior Researcher at Cybernetica AS. For over a decade she has been researching ways to analyse data in a way that protects people's privacy. She was one of the first to show that secure collaborative computing can be used in supra-genomic association studies to ensure privacy, and is exploring how to make secure collaborative computing faster, more powerful and user-friendly.

14:30 - 14:45
Coffee Break
Waiting You back
Waiting You back
14:50 - 16:00
Basic Science vs Applied Science in IT - An Innovative Fuel for the Engine of the Science-based Economy?
Mart Toots, Estonian Association of Information Technology and Telecommunications, R&D Advisor
Gert Jervan, TalTech, Dean of the School of Information Technologies
Katrin Pihor, Ministry of Education and Reserach of Estonia, Head of Reserach and Development Policy Department
Meelis Kull, University of Tartu, Institute of Computer Science, Associate Professor in Machine Learning
Liina Kamm, Cybernetica AS, Senior Researcher
16:00 - 17:00
Follow Up with snacks and a glass of wine
Feel comfortable and chat together
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