  • about


Piia Post, Centre for Climate Research, University of Tartu

Professor Piia Post is a distinguished climate scientist at the University of Tartu, serving as the Head of the Centre for Climate Research. Her research encompasses atmospheric circulation, climate dynamics, remote sensing of clouds, machine learning applications, and aerosol-cloud interactions. She has contributed significantly to understanding the impacts of large-scale atmospheric circulation on extreme hydro-climate events, particularly in the Baltic Sea region. In addition to her research, Professor Post is actively involved in climate change education. She emphasizes the importance of integrating climate change topics into formal education at all levels to equip future generations with the necessary knowledge and skills to address climate challenges. She also holds leadership roles in various scientific organizations, including serving as the chair of the Estonian Meteorological Society and president of the Estonian Committee of Geophysics, representing Estonia in several international scientific bodies.


Prof. Hans Orru, University of Tartu (EE)

Dr. Kristin Aunan, CICERO (NO)

Dr. Henrik Sjödin, Umeå University (SE)

Dr. Junwen Guo, Umeå University

Triinu Kurruk, University of Tartu

Saskia Meeri Eliis Lee, University of Tartu

Gunnell Sandanger, CICERO

Miriam Stackpole Dahl, CICERO

Prof. Mikhail Sofiev (FI)

Dr. Shilpa Rao-Skirbekk (NO)

Dr. Sari Kovats (GB)

Dr. Francesca De Donato (IT)

Contacts of organizer

Regarding conference program etc please contact Triinu Kurruk
Regarding travel and lodging issues etc please contact Krista Kaufmann

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